There are 39 secondary general education institutions in the territory of Korosten district (2,895 students study there)
From secondary general educational institutions:
1st degree schools – 5, they have 44 students;
16 I-II grade schools, with 592 students;
16 grade I-III schools, with 1,818 students;
gymnasium – 2, it has 442 students.
The average number of students in 1st grade schools was 8.8 students, 37 students in 1st-2nd grade schools, 113.6 students in 1st-3rd grade schools, and 221 students in gymnasiums.
According to Clause 2 of Art. 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On General Secondary Education”, 110 students of grades 5-9 (3.8%) receive education in individual and group form.
There are 12 extended day groups in schools of the district, where 349 children (12% of all students of the district) are.
By order of the head of the Korosten District State Administration No. 288 dated 24.06.2010, the Grozyn secondary comprehensive school of grades I-III was reorganized into the Grozyn gymnasium.
In connection with the lack of a student contingent, the Berestovtskyi and Rozivskyi secondary comprehensive schools of the 1st degree have been closed for the 2010/20111 academic year.
List of secondary schools of the Korosten district and phone numbers
Назва | № телефону |
Білківська | т. 7-24-20 |
Бехівська | т. 2-14-40 |
Бондарівська | т. 9-95-40 |
Васьковицька | т. 6-42-52 |
Веселівська | т. 7-83-40 |
Вигівська | т. 9-62-34 |
Горщиківська | т. 9-16-40 |
Грозинська | т. 6-11-40 |
Гулянецька | т. 9-96-17 |
Давидківська | т.9-62-40 |
Дідковицька | т. 7-72-40 |
Злобицька | т. 6-82-58 |
Каленська | т. 7-92-40 |
Ковалівська | |
Кожухівська | т. 9-82-66 |
Купищанська | |
Лесовщинська | т. 7-45-40 |
М. Зубовщинська | т. 6-02-39 |
Мединівська | т. 2-33-40 |
Меленівська | т. 6-72-40 |
Михайлівська | т 2-63-40 |
Новаківська | т. 7-35-40 |
Новинська | т. 7-24-28 |
Полісська | т. 9-03-10 |
Пугачівська | т. 6-92-81 |
Ришавська | т. 7-24-55 |
Сарновицька | т. 2-93-40 |
Ставищанська | т. 2-03-40 |
Стремигородська | т. 6-02-40 |
Сушківська | т. 7-24-40 |
Ушомирська | т 6-92-40 |
Ушомирська школа-інтернат | т. 6-93-40 |
Ходаківська | т. 6-32-40 |
Холосненська | т. 6-82-40 |
Хотиновська | т 7-02-40 |
Шершнівська | т. 2-83-40 |
Білошицька (Щорсівська) | т. 9-03-49 |