Medical institutions of the Korosten district
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Activities of the medical industry in the Korosten district
The activity of the medical industry of the Korosten district is aimed at the further development of the health care system and the improvement of the health of the residents of our region. Employees of the industry introduce certain priorities of the state policy in health care. Among them are the development of primary health care, protection of childhood and motherhood, the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, oncological and cardiovascular diseases, and the provision of qualified medical care to village residents.
One of the main trends that significantly affects the socio-economic situation of the Korosten district is the further deterioration of the demographic situation.
The second trend, which directly affects the state of providing medical care to the population of the district, is the chronic underfunding of the medical industry, shortcomings of the Budget Code of Ukraine.
The third trend is staffing of the medical industry. And although the situation has improved somewhat recently, the shortage of doctors, a high percentage of doctors of retirement and pre-retirement age, and the reluctance of young medical workers to stay at the district hospital have a negative impact on the provision of medical care to the population of the Korosten district.
In addition, a negative trend that significantly affects the state of health of the population of the district (98% have the status of victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant) is the further curtailment of state programs to overcome the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, chronic underfunding of existing programs.
In 2008, district programs were adopted, which are planned to be implemented in the medical field of the district:
– “Program for the development of the system of providing medical assistance to patients with an oncological profile for 2008-2010”;
– “Program for the development of the system of providing medical assistance to patients with diabetes for 2008-2015”;
– “Program of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases for 2008-2010”;
– “Program for creating a unified system of providing emergency medical care”;
To date, medical assistance to the residents of the village is provided by the Korosten Central District Polyclinic with 370 visits per shift, 5 rural district hospitals, rural medical clinics, all of which are clinics of the family doctor, as well as paramedics and midwives (FAP) and paramedics and midwives (FAP ).
The management system of the health care sector of the Korosten district allows to improve individual indicators of the health of the population and the activity of health care institutions while simultaneously preserving the network of medical institutions, personnel and technical potential.
One of the main indicators characterizing the development of the nation, its well-being, and, to some extent, the state of health care is the natural movement of the population and, first of all, the demographic situation.
The state of health of the population of the Korosten region has sharply deteriorated in recent decades due to a decrease in the standard of living, the impact of unsatisfactory environmental conditions, which is connected with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. This leads to an increase in the need for medical care and increased attention to health care problems.
Today, the problem of healthcare in the district is that there is no district hospital, and the budget does not fully allocate funds for mutual settlements for treated patients in city and railway hospitals.
State and personnel
The personnel situation in the Korosten district remains difficult, it can be called critical. Staffing is about 85%. The average medical staff is about 200 people. A unified personnel policy has been implemented in the district – training of doctors and secondary medical personnel, redistribution of personnel resources depending on the need between inpatient and outpatient polyclinic institutions. The administration of the Korostensk CDR makes every effort to prevent a situation where there are no medical workers in primary care facilities. But to date, there are no doctors for some SLAs. The data of SLA are closed by part-time doctors from the TSR and Melenivska SDL.
As for FAPs and FPs, some of them temporarily lack employees. Part-time employees work at such FPs for 0.5 rates. Vaskovych village district hospital – a young family of doctors is provided with housing).
Inpatient care
Korostenskyi district is also unique in that there is no central district hospital within the CDR. Inpatient medical care for residents of the district is provided only on the basis of five SDL with a total number of 90 beds.
A significant part of treated patients are elderly people, whose hospitalization is carried out for both medical and social reasons, especially in the winter period.
Day hospital beds function in all outpatient and polyclinic institutions of the district. Treatment is practiced in the hospital’s home.
Korostensky District is one of the districts of Zhytomyr Oblast most affected by the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, and therefore, according to current legislation, all residents are required to undergo medical examinations every year.
Identified patients are rehabilitated in outpatient, inpatient, sanatorium-resort and pre-school camps. It is planned to improve the health of children in the south